MPI Blog

8 Questions with MaryAnne Bobrow

8 Questions with MaryAnne Bobrow

By Meeting Professionals International

What led you to choose this industry?

Like many people, I fell into it. I answered an ad for an association position and became its exec, and managed their twice-a-year trade show for years and then moved on, eventually starting my own business, which is going into its 16th year.

What’s one of the biggest challenges you face?

I have a passion to give back to the industry vis-à-vis volunteerism, so I tend to take on too much. And because I have a ‘must deliver’ attitude, time becomes a problem.

What’s the best advice someone has given you?

Be true to yourself.

If you could choose to have one mentor who would it be and why?

I can’t choose one. Those I consider to be mentors all serve different perspectives, and collectively they help me to be who I am.

What is the most important part of MPI to you?

Interacting with other members (not to be confused with simple networking).

How has your MPI RISE Award impacted the work you do today?

I am proud to have been recognized and thankful to my peers with whom I regularly collaborate and communicate, as they help me to be a better person. I hope that I do likewise for them.

What was your favorite memory from receiving your RISE Award?

My favorite memory is kind of a humorous one. I am 4’11’ and in order to get to the level of the rest of the people, they had to put a stool there for me. Except the stool was very high and sitting on top of another, so the person who introduced me stood near and waited so he could help me down without my having to jump off the stool. We had lots of laughs over that.

Who was your biggest influencer within the industry and why?

Just like my mentors, my influencers are many and each has helped me in different ways to rise above inhibitions (I am a shy person by nature) and stand among my peers in leadership opportunities, speaking engagements and other industry functions.


Meeting Professionals International

Meeting Professionals International (MPI) is the largest meeting and event industry association worldwide. The organization provides innovative and relevant education, networking opportunities and business exchanges, and acts as a prominent voice for the promotion and growth of the industry. MPI has a global community of 60,000 meeting and event professionals including nearly 13,000 engaged members. It has It has nearly 70 chapters, clubs and members in more than 75 countries worldwide. "When we meet, we change the world."