MPI Blog

5 Questions with Maura Gast

5 Questions with Maura Gast

By Blair Potter

Leading up to International Women's Day, we spoke to key women in the meeting and event industry about their roles.

What was your very first job?
I worked for a record store—Record Town USA—at Sunset Mall in San Angelo, Texas. Exploring new music—and old finds—plus creating storefront window displays were highlights.

What do you love about your job?
I love that every day is a new adventure. I love the people I get to work with and for. I love how Irvingites are filled with both passion and compassion that are deeper than just civic pride. I love the mosaic of peoples and cultures that make our community.

What have you learned from the challenges you have faced?
To paraphrase Sam Rayburn: “There’s no education from the second kick of a mule.” I’ve learned a lot of lessons the hard way. We’re all going to make mistakes in these jobs; seldom is the worst possible outcome death or dismemberment. So, do something, and if it’s the wrong thing, don’t do it again.

What’s the best advice someone gave you?
Craig Reid (then GM of our Four Seasons Resort and Club) told me when I took this job the most important thing was to understand that my “time horizon had changed.” In the past, I’d been the “get it done” person for very tangible things. The things I was now going to be tasked with were going to require a lot more, and they weren’t always going to be so tangible.

What strategies can help women achieve a more prominent role in our industry?
Don’t wait to be asked to the table. Give everyone room to grow. Volunteer for the messy, hard work. Be thoughtful about when you say yes to an opportunity—and be wise enough to say no when there is too much on your plate. (That last one I’m still working on…)


Blair Potter

Blair Potter is director of media operations for MPI. He likes toys and collects cats (or is it the other way around?).