MPI Blog

5 Questions with Rachel Benedick

5 Questions with Rachel Benedick

By Blair Potter

Leading up to International Women's Day, we spoke to key women in the meeting and event industry about their roles.

What traits define a great leader?

Courage to do the right thing even if it’s not popular. Decisiveness: Value others’ input, but have the confidence to make the call. Honesty: People follow leaders because of their principles, not because it’s required. Passion: A leader is responsible for defining the culture; passionate leaders who believe in what they do inspire people. Caring: Listen, have empathy, invest in your team, get to know them; it will make a difference personally AND professionally. Fundamentals: Communicate clear goals; then empower your team with the resources they need and hold them accountable.

What’s the best advice someone gave you?
Richard Scharf once told me, “The future belongs to those who are flexible.” You have to be willing to zig or zag when necessary. You may have planned and planned, but inevitably something will come up. That is when you have to breathe, pivot and remember that life’s biggest challenges provide the greatest rewards.

What advice would you give to someone considering a hospitality career?
Hospitality is code for customer service—it’s people and service to those people. Prepare to humble yourself when working with customers; I often say, “There are two sides to every story and theirs is the one that counts.”

What have you learned from the challenges you have faced?
I have learned that you have to stay positive and always keep things in perspective. I’ve also learned you won’t always have all the answers—seek advice, guidance, mentorship, and don’t feel like you have to take everything on by yourself. Ask for help and be open to another idea.

What are you passionate about?

The good in people, their stories and learning. I recently heard Billie Jean King speak, and she had amazing words to live by: Always keep learning and keep learning how to learn. As a leader, you can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders; but realizing that we are all students of this thing we call

life is pretty powerful.


Blair Potter

Blair Potter is director of media operations for MPI. He likes toys and collects cats (or is it the other way around?).