Unsplash photo by Paul Hanaoka.
If you ever come to the end of your workday and think, “I don’t feel like I got anything done today!” you are not alone. Interruptions often interfere with getting any real work done.
Here are my tips for five areas of your life that will help you consistently be more productive.
- Be aware of what makes you late getting out the door and circumvent it the night before. For example, if you take your lunch to work, pack it the previous night so you’ve got one less thing to do in the morning. And if you consistently forget your lunch, set your car keys in the fridge with it. You’ll never forget it again!
- Drink as much water as you can before leaving home.
- Eat a breakfast high in protein and avoid sugary items such as granola bars and some cereal. Both water and protein contribute greatly in providing the necessary focus you’ll need once you get to work.
Conquer Email
- Write subject lines that will make sense for the recipient(s). Use descriptive words such as ACTION REQUIRED or DECISION NEEDED. It’s OK to use capital letters when emphasizing a word or phrase in the subject line.
- Use bullets or numbers when informing or asking someone about two or more things. It’ll make it easier for them to read and register future action needed.
- Every email is a decision waiting to be made, so get in the habit of deciding what to do with an email before going on to the next one.
Managing Your Day
- Spend the first 15 minutes of your day planning out the rest of your day. Use “The First Fifteen” form (download free at organizedaudrey.com/downloads) to prioritize tasks and follow-ups.
- Shut off all notification sounds and symbols related to email, software programs such as Microsoft Outlook and your phone. This will dramatically decrease interruptions, putting you in the driver’s seat to remain focused on the task at hand.
Outsmart Your Smartphone
- Remove and delete apps that you no longer use. These often clutter up your phone and slow you down when looking for other programs.
- Create folders by topic for your apps. Popular topics might include: Music, Travel, Fitness, Social Media, Personal and Games.
- Keep your data secure by avoiding public Wi-Fi. Use the mobile hotspot on your phone if you need to connect your laptop or iPad to the internet.
Work/Life Integration
- Unplug from all technology, including television, for one hour each day. Unplugging provides much-needed breaks from information and allows time to connect to others or go for a walk.
- Build margin into your life so when things come up (and they always do) you have the bandwidth to handle them without added stress.
Being mindful of these areas of your life, you’ll be more apt to make decisions that positively impact how you manage your time, your workload and the personal relationships you’re blessed with.