MPI Blog

A Blessing in Disguise

A Blessing in Disguise

By Paul Van Deventer

Hello MPI community. First and foremost, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your families as we manage through this crisis.

So much has changed since I last addressed you and our community; while it has only been several weeks, it truly seems like a lifetime ago. In that short time the devastation from COVID-19, like a well-fueled wildfire, has accelerated at a frightening pace. The global economy has been shut down and many of you—like MPI—have had to cancel or postpone events, reduce staff or, sadly, close your doors. The cost to human life has been tragic, and it will be years before we truly understand the economic impact and horrific long-term impact on mental health.

As a society, we have changed how we go about our personal and professional lives. Zoom has become an indispensable communication tool. We scavenge for toilet paper and cleaning products, practice “social distancing” and phrases like “in these uncertain times” proceed every media message. COVID-19 has challenged us to rethink our priorities and changed our behaviors.

I tend to be an optimist, seeking the best in people and the silver lining in even the most challenging circumstances.

I tend to be an optimist, seeking the best in people and the silver lining in even the most challenging circumstances. And while I realize that some may call me naïve, as I grieve from the daily strife of this insidious disease and the countless tragic stories, I can also see that COVID-19 has blessed me in many ways.

In the past month I’ve spent more continuous “quality time” with my family than I have in 30 years of parenting. We’ve enjoyed family walks, sharing lunch in the backyard and sitting down for nightly family dinners and vibrant debates about life. And from a professional perspective, the crisis has provided me numerous opportunities to truly serve our community and our industry.

And COVID-19 has blessed our industry with an opportunity: the gift of society recognizing the critical importance and inherent need as humans to connect face to face through live experiences. COVID-19 hasn’t changed the fundamental power of human connection—the need to socialize and inter-act with other humans. And COVID-19 hasn’t changed the resiliency and strength of our community—the instinct to gather together, to circle the wagons in support of each other and our industry. We thrive when faced with obstacles.

Coronavirus Resources: FREE Education from the MPI Academy

From the dotcom bubble burst of 2000 to 9/11 and subsequent terrorist attacks to the great recession of 2007-08, our voices have stood unified. And our need to connect remains strong. Just last month, when the decision was made to postpone Global Meetings Industry Day (GMID) 2020, more than 15,000 professionals registered for MPI’s GMID: Virtual broadcast to learn, interact and celebrate. It was inspiring!

COVID-19 hasn’t changed MPI’s commitment to each of you and to our industry. Since late March, we’ve substantially expanded our MPI Academy offerings, added a rich catalog of resources to navigate the crisis, shared our library of professional development with everyone (complimentary) and provided support for members in financial distress. As one of our chapter leaders, Sarah Soliman Daudin, recently offered, “The beauty of MPI is that you are never alone.” This community is truly a family. You are there for each other and our industry.

Like most of you, MPI has been forced to make tough choices and sacrifices, but each decision prioritized the immediate support of our community and the long-term sustainability of this association.

Reunite for Recovery: WEC Grapevine, Nov. 3-6, 2020

And COVID-19 will never change my faith in our society to push through this crisis, my belief in the power of live events to lead and drive the recovery and my optimism that we will come out the other end of this crisis even stronger. I look forward to the time, in the not too distant future, when we will gather again as a community to Reunite for Recovery.

Until then, stay well!

Thank you MPI.

Paul Van Deventer
MPI President and CEO
Follow me on Twitter @MPICEOPaul


Paul Van Deventer
President & Chief Executive Officer at Meeting Professionals International

Paul Van Deventer joined the MPI Global Team in April 2013 as President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). In this role, he leads the strategic direction of both MPI’s global association and the MPI Foundation, with responsibility for managing its global staff, operating budget, membership programs and community services.