Global Meetings Industry Day (GMID) is almost upon us. On March 30, meeting professionals from around the world will come together to showcase the value meetings and events bring to people, businesses and communities.
MPI’s 12-hour broadcast (6 a.m.-6 p.m. CST) is the largest and most important event of the year for meeting professionals, with topics ranging from workforce development to sustainability to data strategy, along with a state of the industry leadership panel. Register for free.
MaryAnne P. Bobrow, CAE, CMP Fellow, CMM, president of Bobrow Associates Inc. and co-chair of the MPI Independent & Small Business Owners (SBO) Community, will be leading an SBO-focused discussion during MPI’s GMID broadcast. She brought together a combination of new and longtime, well-known members to talk about why they joined the community and what they love about being a part of SBO.
We caught up with Bobrow to discuss the importance of building strong communities, what everyone can learn from SBOs and the importance of GMID.
Why is it important to bring SBOs together for discussions like this?
Most people are so busy trying to keep up with all the changes brought about by the pandemic that they forget they are running businesses that still need marketing, promotion, attention and perhaps upgrades. As we say within the community, MPI is the source for meeting planning quality education. We focus on our members as business owners who need and want to know more about what is affecting/will affect our businesses and how we collaborate to plan for our business models in the next year or two.
What can GMID participants learn from a group of veteran SBOs?
SBO veterans have managed all sorts of businesses, some of which failed or were redirected into other areas, some of which were sold, and we provide a forum for them to read, learn, collaborate and understand what can help grow their businesses. We believe there are many attempting to become an SBO but have yet to identify as such and are unaware of the community’s existence. We wanted MPI members globally to know we exist and offer a different approach to what they may need as business owners.
Can you tell us about an important issue SBOs are facing right now?
SBOs, like everyone else, were negatively impacted by the scope and breadth of the pandemic and its effect on people and their businesses. Smart SBOs learned to pivot to other or additional business concepts to stay afloat and come out on the other side in a financially stable model. The world is changing, and technology makes all of us aware of changes in our business models because of new technologies. We now have virtual, hybrid and face-to-face events, and while virtual and hybrid will never replace face-to-face meetings (think of the mental health crisis globally—especially for young children and adults—brought on by the isolation of COVID-19), there is a place for them and other industries.
Why are you excited about the future of the SBO Community?
We have talked for several years about having two things. First is our SBO-specific directory where people can ask for recommendations and enter into collaborations with others within the SBO in a safe environment. Our directory is in its infancy but with both suppliers and planners in our community, we develop a greater sense of comfort and trust in what our peers share with us. The second thing we are doing is launching our own mentorship program. Here again, we are talking about running businesses here—not planning meetings—and that is where our focus lies. We have a couple of other ideas that we have yet to reach out to Global about that would also appeal to our community.
Why is it important for the industry to come together for GMID?
With sincere hope that the pandemic is receding, we can focus on a future of collaboration with others. The ability of communities to share what they do with the global community can only enhance the value of being an MPI member. We invite all MPI members to check out what we do. With more participations—particularly in our monthly Mentorship Moments—everyone has a chance to express themselves, ask questions, listen and learn. Our first Mentorship Moments session was held in January. We record each session and if you can’t make it, you can listen to it. We have the entire year planned out and will be announcing future sessions as soon as they are confirmed. The response from those who attended our January session was a resounding YES—we need these events, so we will forge ahead and welcome all to our journey.
The MPI Independent & Small Business Owners Community is sponsored by happily.
MPI’s GMID broadcast powered by Webex Events (formerly Socio).
MPI’s GMID broadcast supported by Grit Productions & Expositions and Foster + Fathom.