MPI Blog

As Uncertainty Grows, Are You Prepared?

As Uncertainty Grows, Are You Prepared?

By Michael Pinchera

Understandably, there’s been a massive increase in the percentage of meeting professionals claiming that economic uncertainty impacts their business decisions when comparing the latest survey responses to those from nine months ago. 

This data is from the summer 2020 Meetings Outlook survey, the report of which includes additional findings about the present and near-future of the industry and is being released next week in the August issue of The Meeting Professional.

MO Aug 2020 Economic Affect

While there has been less movement in regard to the impact of political uncertainty, it’s clear there’s been an increase in this effect.

MO Aug 2020 Political Affect

Meanwhile, most meeting professionals have not changed their planning processes as a result of protests or social unrest.

MO Aug 2020 Protest Processes

Curiously, almost half of all respondents said they do not have an existing contingency plan that’s applicable to protests or social unrest physically near a meeting or event.

 MO Aug 2020 Contingency


Michael Pinchera

Michael Pinchera, MPI's managing editor, is an award-winning writer and editor as well as a speaker, technologist and contributor to business, academic and pop culture publications since 1997.