MPI Blog

Cast Your Vote for WEC

Cast Your Vote for WEC

By Rich Luna

We’re about to find out if one of the most anticipated campaigns in 2020 will be a success.

There surely have been tense moments, times when the challenges seemed insurmountable. We knew the drive market would be a key constituent in determining the outcome, as some state and employer regulations would impact the final tally.

Health has been the paramount issue, thus a duty of care initiative, along with multiple other safety measures, was enacted to create confidence in our platform.

We heard many voices of support and encouragement along the way, applauding our commitment and willingness to forge ahead. And yes, we also heard from critics, questioning our motives and timing.

But as we close in on the defining date of Nov. 3, know this: We will gather, whether in person or by proxy, to learn what the future holds for us.

“We have been bold in our commitment to deliver a robust live and digital conference.”

I speak, of course, of “Reunite for Recovery,” MPI’s World Education Congress (WEC) in Grapevine, Texas.

In this month’s issue of The Meeting Professional, we share insight into how the live event will be reimagined with a mix of in-person education and a robust digital experience, intent on showing meeting and event professionals how to safely align the best of both worlds.

As our industry has battled the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, successful face-to-face gatherings have been taking place amidst predominately virtual meetings. WEC will likely be the first to truly test the boundaries of a large-scale in-person event for the meeting industry.

“All eyes will be on WEC Grapevine,” says Darren Temple, MPI’s chief operations officer. “We have been bold in our commitment to deliver a robust live and digital conference. We will show our industry how to plan and execute live and hybrid meetings that are safe, incredibly rich in content and showcase best practices, technology platforms and safety standards. MPI’s WEC will become the standard.”

Our coverage this month includes a preview of WEC Grapevine in “The Live Event Reimagined,” which includes MPI’s duty of care commitment. Our second report, “Gathering Safely,” examines how meeting professionals are focusing on duty of care more than ever before to provide the safest possible onsite experience while showcasing the industry’s adaptability. These issues will be ingrained in the WEC education program.

WEC Grapevine Duty of Care: Enhancing the experience and safety for everyone in attendance.

“Now more than ever, it is critical that we reskill and educate ourselves on the latest trends, technologies, best practices and safe meeting guidelines to help ensure we are ready to produce live, hybrid and digital meetings in the very near-term,” Temple says. “Making an investment in yourself at this critical time is the best investment you can make to ensure you remain relevant and prepared to meet the challenges that lie ahead.”

Whether you attend in person or as part of the digital experience, the planners behind WEC are committed to engaging and robust education in a safe environment, something we can all agree is emblematic of where our industry needs to be.

So, join us for WEC, whether you cast your vote in person or as part of our digital experience. Go to and enter code 50WECGFD for a special discount from us at The Meeting Professional.

Ah yes, there is something else of major significance happening on Nov. 3—Election Day in the United States. Please vote, and if you’re coming to WEC, vote early. I’ve made my decision. I’ll be voting early, and then I’ll be at WEC to await the results, both of the election and WEC. We hope you will join us.

Thank you for your support of MPI and WEC Grapevine.

Until next time…

Rich Luna
Editor in Chief


Rich Luna

Rich Luna is Director of Publishing for MPI and Editor-in-chief of The Meeting Professional.