We recently asked a cross section of meeting professionals to share their thoughts about the importance of meeting face to face, as the pandemic keeps us mostly apart (for now). Be sure to also check out “Morphing from Caves to the Internet,” a brilliant tale about why humans meet—starting at the beginning.
Latoya Williams (MPI Upstate New York Chapter), manager of global accounts, HelmsBriscoe: “The big-picture importance of in-person meetings is the human connection and the feeling you get from the vibes, gestures and dialogue. Virtual meetings happened out of necessity and every client I’ve spoken to can’t wait to be back in person. Authentic connections are what we all thrive off of, and it’s missing with virtual meetings. Humans were not built to connect virtually—we have senses for a reason and they are used to engage when meeting in person.”
Tracy Judge, CMP, HMCC (MPI San Diego Chapter), founder and chief connector, Soundings Connect: “Now that virtual events, presentations and sales calls have become part of our new normal, the choice to meet virtually or face-to-face will be an important consideration for an organization’s overall sales and marketing strategy. Some companies will opt to keep their road warriors off the road to save on expenses while other organizations will use face-to-face meetings as a competitive advantage, deepening the authentic connections we create with customers through live interactions and experiences.”
Steve Van Der Molen, vice president meeting operations - AC Region, Caesars Entertainment: “We are a social species. In every organization and every human culture of which we have record, people come together in small groups at regular and frequent intervals, and in larger gatherings from time to time. When we meet in person at a conference, it is not only the one meeting we attend, it is literally many smaller, micro connections we create, planned or spontaneous, with peers, vendors or customers.”
Giovanna Lucherini and Chiara D’Andrea (MPI Italia Chapter), Naples Convention Bureau: “Face-to-face meetings remain crucial in order to build strong relationships. Talking in person, looking into each other’s eyes, listening to the tone of voice and observing body language are all fundamental ingredients to a long-term business and vital requisites to create loyalty and trust. These key details are lost when you are only communicating through a screen.”
Kate Patay, CPCE, chief strategy officer, Patay Consulting: “It’s human nature to want to congregate and be together. And although our industry has taken exponential leaps to accommodate virtual gatherings, especially in the last year, we will never replace the ability to look someone in the eye, shake their hand and build that lasting bond that a face-to-face meeting creates.”
Cindy Wallace, CMP, CMM (MPI Oregon Chapter), director of strategy and business development, Oregon Convention Center: “Human beings need face-to-face interaction. We, as a society, yearn for connection that you simply can’t accomplish via texting, email and web-conferencing. When we are able to meet safely again—and when budgets will allow—people will jump at the opportunity to meet face-to-face. As we maneuver through this pandemic, I hope that people will be willing to have deeper, more meaningful conversations and be compassionate towards each other.”
Michael Dominguez (MPI Southern California Chapter), president and CEO, Associated Luxury Hotels International: “There is an aching need to connect in a face-to-face environment—it is in our DNA as fellow human beings. I am hopeful that we will all show a bit more grace and we will appreciate all face-to-face engagement even more. We truly don’t appreciate something we love until it has been taken away from us.”
Carina Bauer (MPI United Kingdom and Ireland Chapter), CEO, IMEX Group: “Ultimately there’s an inherent need to meet face to face, it’s human nature. And we know it’s better for business. We’re all aware that participating in an event in person is a highly effective way of forming valuable business relationships, of motivating staff and of truly experiencing a product or organizational values.”