MPI Blog

Event profs must always be curious

Event profs must always be curious

By Blair Potter

The FUTURITY Lab workshop at MPI’s European Meetings & Events Conference (EMEC), 26-28 March in Brighton, U.K., will help you prepare your business by making you aware of future trends. It maps global trends so you can leverage gaps and prepare for new possibilities.

We spoke with Jordan Waid, design thinking and leadership consultant, Jordan Waid Ltd., and Niru Desai, chief marketing officer, CO2HERO, about the requisite skills of a future-ready meeting professional, what attendees of their EMEC Brighton session can expect and what’s behind the PRECOG REPORT—a set of 10 headlines that enables, identifies and unlocks patterns for new strategic thinking, innovation, trend tracking, scenario design, future forecasting and purposeful impact.
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Can you give us a little background about the PRECOG REPORT? 

JORDAN WAID: Started in February of 2020, the PRECOG REPORT has been finding trends for three years and along the way has scanned over 124,415 articles to identify over 1,137 solid signals in the 72 volumes that have been published.  

PRECOG does the dirty work (separates the “signal” from the “noise”) and filters over a thousand articles a week focused on innovation, design, futurity, sustainability, culture, social impact and more—collected as research for intelligence reports, workshops and PRECOG FUTURITY LABS. 

Ready to brighten your world in the hippest city in the world? Learn more about the register for EMEC Brighton, 26-28 March.

What can attendees expect when participating in the EMEC workshop? 

JORDAN WAID: The PRECOG FUTURITY Lab workshop helps you prepare your business by making you aware of future trends. It maps global trends so that you can leverage gaps in the market and prepare for new possibilities.

How can meeting professionals be more effective at keeping an eye on the future instead of getting bogged down in the day to day? 

JORDAN WAID: Always be curious in all areas of culture, whether it is events, experiences, innovation, sustainability, design, social impact, science or outer space. Variety and broadening your perspective and field of vision is the key. I know we never have time to do anything, so that is why I simplified the process and created the PRECOG REPORT.  

Just spend 14 seconds looking at the latest PRECOG REPORT issue every two weeks—that’s a second a day and that’s all it takes to feed your future. Designed for the attention economy, PRECOGuncovers and explores your blind spots, accelerates your intuition and exercises your ability for future recall.  

“Variety and broadening your perspective and field of vision is the key.”

What skillsets should meeting professionals hone in order to be more future-ready? 

JORDAN WAID: Curiosity, observation, pattern recognition, imagination, intuition and future thinking.

NIRU DESAI: Agility, inclusivity and sustainability at a speed that matches the rate of change around us today. 

What do you hope attendees will take away from the EMEC workshop? 

JORDAN WAID: PRECOG connects your business with the current influences in our world; connects your business with client and human needs, creating opportunity; and connects your business with the future trajectory of your vision.

NIRU DESAI: PRECOG connects your business intentions to the actions that need to be taken to achieve desired results.


Blair Potter

Blair Potter is director of media operations for MPI. He likes toys and collects cats (or is it the other way around?).