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Events 101: How to measure the success of your event marketing campaigns

Events 101: How to measure the success of your event marketing campaigns

By Guest Contributor

Nearly 60% of those working in the meeting and event industry started since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to research by Freeman. In these 101 articles, we provide key learnings for those new to the industry or those seeking a refresher to help set them up for success.

By Ray Sheehan

Now is a great time for organizations to promote their products and services with event marketing. With the world open for business once again, consumers are enjoying being active in their communities—and event marketing is an opportunity to meet potential customers where they are and remind them about the great products and services you offer.

As you hit the field, however, you need to ensure your campaigns are successful. Showing up is not enough. The best campaigns will determine in advance what success looks like and have systems in place to measure that success.

The value of KPIs

Establishing key performance indicators (KPI) is a critical part of measuring your success with event marketing. KPIs are essentially your report card for the campaign. They allow you to grade yourself. Establishing them beforehand ensures everyone knows what is expected of them. Tracking them allows you to gauge success and fine tune your approach for future events.

Team performance is a great KPI to consider. You can assess the attitude, attentiveness, and professionalism of the team on site for the event. If they weren’t on point, were they at least willing to learn? Did they understand their responsibilities as outlined by the KPIs and take them seriously?

Engagement is another KPI that should be tracked. Events are a great forum for gathering leads. Decide what info you want to collect (email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses) and set a goal for the number of leads you want to leave the event with. You can also set a goal for collecting customer feedback during the event, keeping in mind that both positive and negative feedback can be helpful.

Sales is a key KPI, as well. Like any other marketing effort, you want event marketing to deliver a strong return on investment by helping you achieve your sales goals.

If you fail to establish KPIs and communicate them before the event, your team won’t know what it is fighting for. Everyone needs to be clear on their roles and responsibilities if you have a shot at reaching your goals. You can’t hold yourself, the team or the company accountable without establishing realistic KPIs.

Event marketing as team building

Connecting with customers is the primary goal of event marketing, but it can also serve as a tool for establishing a deeper connection with your team. Events bring the team together for a special time of camaraderie.

Gearing up for and carrying out the event often requires the team to work collaboratively and address unique challenges. Debriefing after the event can also serve as a team building exercise, providing the team with the opportunity to explore the impact of the event and brainstorm ways to be more effective moving forward.

For organizations operating with a remote or hybrid model, event marketing can provide a rare opportunity to bring the team together. It can contribute to a healthier culture, allowing teammates to connect meaningfully, and managers to deeper understand their employee’s strengths and weaknesses.

Event marketing gives you a unique and powerful opportunity to engage with potential customers, as well as with the members of your team. However, as with any marketing campaign, success is not guaranteed. To ensure you are getting a healthy return on your investment, make sure you establish your event goals, keep track of your progress and determine whether or not you are hitting your target.

Ray Sheehan is the Founder of Old City Media, a North American event production and experiential marketing agency. He has a background in strategic planning, marketing, event management, and advertising and has helped the company expand from one city in the United States to an international agency. Before this role, Ray partnered with, a production company in Philadelphia and worked for 20th Century FOX. He oversaw all aspects of the business and produced a nationally syndicated television show for FOX. In 2020, he launched the G.I.F.T Program as part of Old City Media. Ray is recognized as a leader in the special events industry and an innovative thinker in the Philadelphia community and beyond. Sheehan has been featured in Grit Daily, The Next Scoop, Site Pro News and more!


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