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Everything that Can Go Wrong in a Meeting (and How to Prevent it)

Everything that Can Go Wrong in a Meeting (and How to Prevent it)

By Dr. Gleb Tsipursky

Whether in-person or online, meetings can go right—or they can go wrong. How do you prevent such problems?

Jenny had been promoted to events manager at her job, and as part of that new role she would now be hosting meetings, instead of just attending them. One of those meetings was a regularly scheduled meeting for managers from around the country—a big annual event with a prominent speaker, a dinner, workshops and more.

Jenny and her team took it on with enthusiasm. But the meeting was a disaster. And not because of the coronavirus: the meeting happened in December 2018. In fact, so many things went wrong that Jenny was not only dismayed and disheartened, she wound up also scared it would cost her the job.

Failures happen because we hit blind spots: dangerous judgment errors that cause us to assume things will just keep happening as they always have before, overlook warning signs or assume people will understand when they don’t. There are over a hundred mental blind spots that cognitive neuroscientists and behavioral economists (like myself) call cognitive biases. Any single one can cause us to make poor decisions that lead to disasters.

Failures happen because we hit blind spots: dangerous judgment errors that cause us to assume things will just keep happening as they always have before.

Jenny and her team had completely underestimated the likelihood of something truly going wrong—because in the history of planning this meeting, nothing else had ever gone wrong. “You’ll do fine,” coworkers told her. “This meeting always happens without a hitch.” In essence, Jenny and her team inherited this normalcy bias from the previous team who planned the meetings in the past. Years of the same meeting had never produced more than minor hiccups. So all assumed it would be the same way this time.

The hitches piled up fast. For example, Jenny was excited to introduce a new conference app to help attendees navigate the conference: RSVPing for the event, booking their place in workshops, ordering their preferred dinner entrees, communicating with other participants and so much more. But the app proved confusing for older managers and they either made mistakes in putting in their information or ignored it altogether. The mistake was underestimating how different other people’s perspectives and understanding were from their own—or the false consensus effect. As a result, there were many misunderstandings that had to be cleared up, causing frustration and distress for participants.

The well-known best-selling author who Jenny booked months in advance came down with laryngitis two days before the meeting—a stroke of fate. But since Jenny didn’t arrange backup speaker options and had so little time left close to the event, her team invited one of the senior level managers to speak—and the move was seen as lackluster since he was just seen as a coworker, not an esteemed expert.

Coronavirus Dialogue Series: Pandemic Adaptation & Planning via Neuroscience for Meeting Planners

Then there was the issue of the venue. The former planning team recommended sticking with the same venue as in past years, so they did. But this year, the conference center was woefully overbooked, with several meetings happening at once, a harried staff late in setting up for dinner and no one to fix the AV system. Unfair or not, attendees had the impression that the whole meeting was ill-planned and complained about everything.

Once the smoke cleared, Jenny and her team reasoned that yes, it could have been worse: no food poisoning, for instance. But Jenny was still concerned it could affect her standing at the company, and the team was demoralized. They resolved to learn from the mistakes and avoid striking out again—and that led them to a strategy known as Failure-Proofing, which entails anticipating the problems and creating solutions in advance.

Failure-Proofing is a highly effective strategy for any planned event or initiative. The strategy is based in neuroscience and tackles the cognitive biases that bring down your efforts. Here’s a simple Failure-Proofing exercise you can practice to help ensure an endeavor’s success:

·      Envision the disaster. To avoid disaster, accept it could happen. You and your team should imagine what that disaster would look like, and what went wrong.  

·      List all the reasons why that disaster happened. Next, brainstorm all the reasons that project failed. Include reasons that could be seen as rude or politically problematic—the ones we don’t talk about, but should.

·      Discuss, assess and find solutions. As a team, discuss all the reasons, then decide which should be addressed, based on an assessment of their likelihood and impact. Brainstorm how you could address these problems as they happen.

·      Revise the project plan. With this new knowledge in hand, integrate the new ideas into your project plan.

The same exercise applies for in-person or online meetings, of course.

Jenny and her team conducted the whole exercise in retrospect. They saw that they should have made sure the app was easy to navigate for anyone, and duplicated the schedule on paper instead of just having it online. They realized there’s always a chance the star of the show gets sick—that’s what understudies are for. They took another look at the schedule of events at the venue happening during their meeting time and saw it was already set to be packed months in advance. Knowing that, they could have changed locations.

What they did do right, besides learn how to Failure Proof for the next time, was share their findings. The action ensured that Jenny came out looking like an MVP instead of a questionable new manager. She’d taken the team through the exercise and demonstrated she was willing to look back and reassess, and the whole team made it clear they had learned from the experience.

Defeating cognitive biases such as the normalcy bias and the false consensus effect is key to undoing disasters before they happen.

Then they conducted the final part of the exercise, which is to frame the event in the positive. They sat down and imagined the meeting was a resounding success, and looked at all the reasons why, using that information to start planning the next meeting. Defeating cognitive biases such as the normalcy bias and the false consensus effect is key to undoing disasters before they happen. And it’s a great skill to learn ahead of time, rather than when it’s too late. And no, Jenny didn’t lose her job. She and her team went on to plan the next meeting, and that one (in December 2019) went off without a hitch.

Now, Jenny is planning for what to do for the December 2020 meeting. She’s thinking about doing an all-virtual meeting and knows there will be many more potential problems, since it’s a completely new type of event. Fortunately, she knows she can rely on the Failure-Proofing technique to anticipate and address the large majority of the problems while maximizing success.

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash


Dr. Gleb Tsipursky

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky is an internationally-renowned thought leader and speaker on future-proofing and cognitive bias risk management. He serves as the CEO of the boutique future-proofing consultancy Disaster Avoidance Experts, which specializes in helping forward-looking leaders avoid dangerous threats and missed opportunities. A best-selling author, he wrote Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters, The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better Relationships and Resilience: Adapt and Plan for the New Abnormal of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic.