As the coronavirus pandemic is, by far, having more of an impact than anything else on the meeting and event, we reached out to Jacqueline Beaulieu, HMCC (MPI Georgia Chapter), director, strategic marketing & client engagement for Poretta & Orr, and co-chair of the MPI-MD Community of med-pharma meeting professionals, for some insight on how that segment of the market is coping as well as how that they benefit from the unique, niche online community.
How have you benefitted from belonging to the MPI-MD community, and what can those who join expect?
Beaulieu: The MPI-MD community has helped connect me with those in the medical meetings sector and it has been a wonderful experience. Not only do we all face many of the same challenges but there is a sense of pride in the science and research that our collective companies are working on to further healthcare.
As COVID-19 has put a temporary stop to most live events, how are you planning to engage audiences in new ways going forward?
Beaulieu: Like everyone, there is a shift to virtual events. Poretta & Orr, the company I work for, is helping our clients think about the long-term strategy that should be implemented so that they are successful. In the future, successful companies will use a strategy that integrates virtual and live events to maximize their reach and produce results. The goals for your meetings and events shouldn’t change just the approach.
Are there specific COVID-19 challenges affecting med-pharma meeting professionals in the short or long term?
Beaulieu: Yes, most definitely. Our industry is healthcare. The very individuals we want to attend our events may be on the front line helping to fight the COVID-19 battle. Different specialties within our industry are affected differently but the impact has been felt. My company just conducted focus groups with top healthcare associations and exhibitors, and regional or local meetings seem to be something HCPs (healthcare professionals) are interested in as attending these types of meetings don’t require travel out-of-state or getting a plane, thereby eliminating the need to self-quarantine in most cases.
Other than COVID-related issues, what’s another top challenge being faced by med-pharma meeting professionals?
Beaulieu: Compliance is always at the top of the list. I think one of the biggest challenges regarding compliance is it can change so quickly and staying up to date and current on these changes can be challenging. That is why programs like the Healthcare Meeting Compliance Certificate (HMCC) are so important, as well being part of the MPI-MD community. It is a great way to stay connected and up to date. Continuing to show ROI regarding med-pharma meetings, live or virtual, also remains a priority and challenge to all exhibiting companies.
Tell us about a skillset someone who plans med-pharma events needs to possess that many people overlook.
Beaulieu: There are so many to choose from, but I think critical thinking is an invaluable skillset. There are so many times we are all thrown for a loop with a last-minute challenge and being able to address it rationally and thoughtfully is needed. The ability to come up with new ideas or processes that save time or money or just have the “cool factor” is invaluable.
What do you love most about your job?
Beaulieu: There is never the same day twice—no Groundhog Day in medical meeting planning, that is certain! As a result, the need to continue to learn and stay connected and creative is always top-of-mind. I enjoy working with the people that feel the same way and that are inspired and rewarded working in a field that does so much good. It really is a rewarding career on so many levels.
Learn more about the MPI-MD Community and join today!