How do you create relevant content in these crazy times? A tough question, because the situation in which we are today is challenging us on all levels. And after a long day working from home, you’re not going to say, yes, now I’m going to write inspirational content. As in Europe there’s little perspective for our industry, how can you write inspiring and relevant content for your audience? Let me help you.
This is the most important lesson. I compare building up client relationships with a marriage—if you have an argument with your partner, you need to talk right? In times of crisis, your clients and your network need more information than ever before, because things have changed. And there’s so much uncertainty. When was the last time you reached out to your network, to your clients just to ask how are they doing? And let us be honest, would you do business with someone you know if you haven’t heard from them during the pandemic? Probably not! Be visible. It can be very easy by using the following tips.
A lot of people in our industry shifted businesses or jumped on different roles, like me. I became a mentor and coach during the first lockdown, and even continued until today. I shared my experience and supported other event professionals. Does this sound familiar to you, but haven’t shared it with your network? Please do, because people love stories—share what keeps you busy.
We do business because we trust each other. And in these times in which we are so digitally connected, we want to hear real stories from the real people behind those screens. Be vulnerable and be honest, because those are the most powerful stories!
A day not laughed is a day not lived.
Did you know that I had more than 20.000 views on my LinkedIn post in 2020 from sharing a personal message?
Think about what inspires you, what drives you in these challenging and uncertain times.
We Miss the Personal Touch
We are eager to travel and we all miss the personal interaction. If I would call you or check your profile on LinkedIn, would I see a recent picture of you? Or perhaps some personal information or business-related information that might be of value for me? And what about your website? This is really important and might be the reason for some companies to proceed or not to proceed with the business.
Please, let us laugh more! I’m not saying that we have to laugh our troubles away, but we are all looking desperately for distraction. And a day not laughed is a day not lived, like we say in Dutch. Keep that in mind when you’re writing. Humor works.
Collaboration and Co-creation
Involve other people in your content, as this can give a huge boost to your visibility and awareness. What about your partners, employees, suppliers or board members? There are so many ways to create content together—a blog post, an interview, Insta Live, LinkedIn Live or recording a podcast together. Without investing a huge amount. Yes, it requires time.
Being part of the MPI European Advisory Council, it’s my role to support and inspire the European chapters.
Being raised in the Netherlands, I’m always told to just ask. Some people are honored if you ask to share their opinion or expertise. And it's a great reason to reach out to people, and you will again become top of mind. The pandemic is an excellent moment to create partnerships and collaborations.
We Remain Optimistic
Being part of the MPI European Advisory Council (EAC) since this year, it’s my role to support and inspire the European chapters, which is far from easy. Because what can you do in these times? I’m not the chicken with the golden eggs that brings you money or more members. Sometimes I wish I could do more. We are working hard together with the entire council to create a long-term strategy that will make MPI Europe great again.
And if you, as a board member or potential member have questions, or need support, just ask! We are here for you, and we can only do so by building bridges and creating long-lasting relationships, and gain insights into what you need as a member. Just like in a relationship we have our ups and downs. But only by supporting each other in moments when we need each other more than ever can we survive. We, at the EAC, see the light at the end of the tunnel and remain optimistic about the near future of our industry.
Keep communicating, remain visible and keep reaching out if you need support. Remember, just ask. :-)
Photo by David Sinclair on Unsplash