MPI Blog

How have you managed the shift to more virtual events?

How have you managed the shift to more virtual events?

By Blair Potter

“We must be prepared to provide multiple entry points for attendance and must consider how to extend the reach to make all feel welcome and celebrated.”

Kathy-Harper Carla-Datanagan Lisa-Meller

“The pivot to virtual events has been the most significant trend that I have adapted in my association work. We have taken all content from the cancelled in-person program and are offering it as a webinar series to members and non-members.”

Kathy Harper
Pile Driving Contractors Association
MPI North Florida Chapter

“The current most significant trend affecting meeting and event business is the conversion to virtual. Although we have managed virtuals in the past, we are making an effort to educate users of the need to focus on their goals for each meeting and what a successful virtual entails, and what to avoid (i.e. using an in-person agenda for a virtual event, using a presentation previously designed for an in-person event for a virtual).”

Carla Datanagan
University of California Davis
MPI Sacramento/Sierra Nevada Chapter


“I’ve earned a credential in virtual event management and expect to have to help clients with more complex event strategies to incorporate lots of live, real-time, from-home or from small hybrid event locations. We must be prepared to provide multiple entry points for attendance and must consider how to extend the reach to make all feel welcome and celebrated.”

Lisa Meller, CMP, CIS, CED
Meller Performance Events Group
MPI Orange County Chapter

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Blair Potter

Blair Potter is director of media operations for MPI. He likes toys and collects cats (or is it the other way around?).