MPI Blog

How is COVID-19 impacting your work?

How is COVID-19 impacting your work?

By Blair Potter

“Having to learn how to plan virtual meetings has consumed us, while still trying to provide a personal touch has been hard.”

headshot-in-blue-hat Schmid-Jeff-Aug2017 Headshot

“I am in Florida, and our governor is not a strong proponent of making sure there is proper PPE, requirements about masks and social distancing, and is rushing to open up establishments that are clearly increasing the number of COVID cases. My work effectively stopped in early March. I have had offers to work events, but the offers are always for cheaper rates than I would work for even in good times, let alone put myself at risk.”

Karen “Natasha, The Psychic Lady” Kuzsel
MPI Greater Orlando Chapter

“COVID-19 has majorly effected our meetings and travel workload. We have really tried to become experts on virtual meeting design and execution, which was always a goal of ours. Now it seems like the most critical skill we can use.”

Jeff Schmid
United Network for Organ Sharing
MPI Virginia Chapter


“Fear of travel, safety and uncertainty have caused us to rethink offerings and redefine budgets. Having to learn how to plan virtual meetings has consumed us, while still trying to provide a personal touch has been hard.”

Julie Branstrom
Vista Meetings & Incentives
MPI Rocky Mountain Chapter

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Blair Potter

Blair Potter is director of media operations for MPI. He likes toys and collects cats (or is it the other way around?).