MPI Blog

It is Time to Focus on You and Your Meeting & Event Business!

It is Time to Focus on You and Your Meeting & Event Business!

By Meeting Professionals International

I always smile when I hear the definition of an entrepreneur: somebody who wants to work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours for someone else! It makes me smile because it’s true! There is something unique about being your own boss. A sense of freedom and a drive which, despite all the challenges that life puts in front of you, keeps you going, one step at a time.

It doesn’t matter if you are a solopreneur or if you own a small business, at the end of the day, you call the shots, you make the final decision, you take the risks and you reap the rewards.

Hotels are rebooking for Q3, Q4 and beyond at an incredible paste and this is a clear and optimistic indicator. There are still places in the world that are experiencing lockdowns and challenges but there is no doubt that meetings and events are coming back… with a vengeance!

We had such a thirst for authenticity and unique experiences before the pandemic. Is anyone believing that this is not going to be the case when everything fully reopens? As a business owner and entrepreneur, you owe it to yourself, to your family, to your team and to your customers to be ready.

Today, as we finally look at the light at the end of the tunnel, focus on what matters to you and get ready for the comeback of our Industry. What are you going to change? What are you going to stop? How are you going to structure your business? How do you see your life in three years? What kind of life and what kind of business do you want to have? How are you going to organize yourself to focus on what you do best and to delegate the rest? What are the different pieces of your business puzzle and what should you do about it? Which book should you read? Which conference should you attend? Which additional education should you consider? Which actions should you take?

These are just a sample of the questions you need to answer as soon as possible.

The immediate future is bringing a lot of opportunities that are yours to take.

  • It is time to learn from those who have done it before.
  • It is time to share with your peers who are facing the same challenges as you do. The market is big enough, don’t isolate yourself.
  • It is time to get clarity on your next move.
  • It is time to define a plan that you are going to execute.
  • It is time to think about your ideal team.
  • It is time to put your accountability system in place.
  • It is time to focus on you and your business.

You got this!


Meeting Professionals International

Meeting Professionals International (MPI) is the largest meeting and event industry association worldwide. The organization provides innovative and relevant education, networking opportunities and business exchanges, and acts as a prominent voice for the promotion and growth of the industry. MPI has a global community of 60,000 meeting and event professionals including nearly 13,000 engaged members. It has It has nearly 70 chapters, clubs and members in more than 75 countries worldwide. "When we meet, we change the world."