MPI Blog

Italy's MICE Industry Responds to Coronavirus Concerns

Italy's MICE Industry Responds to Coronavirus Concerns

By Meeting Professionals International

Editor's Note: The following message was submitted to MPI Global by Annamaria Ruffini, SITE Global President 2018.

Dear colleagues,

As representatives of the International Associations ADMEI, MPI and SITE (Italian chapters), we have felt the need to coordinate our efforts in a bid to safeguard the Italian MICE Industry, especially with regard to the misleading and alarmist information given through the media in covering the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Italy.

In this short note, we wish to appeal to the international MICE community to support Italy and counter the negative impact this situation has engendered.

In particular:

• The geographical areas affected by the virus outbreaks in Italy are well defined and do not include main Italy’s Tourism and the Meeting & Incentive Industry venues.

• This is an influenza virus of short lasting nature. There is general agreement within the scientific community that things should improve everywhere in spring.

• The Italian healthcare system is ranked among the best in the world and medical care is free for the whole population.

• We urge you not to cancel but to only postpone the events you have planned for March and April 2020 and to reschedule them for later in the year. This will help avoid further impact on the local economy already severely penalized.

• It is imperative to keep interest in Italy alive even while scheduling events for 2021.

• Rescheduling your events helps support us economically, and, especially, morally.

Italy is the one country in the world the MICE Industry cannot do without.

Widespread dissemination of this note will be immensely helpful.

Thank you.

#chooseitaly  #eventsmustgoon #ItaliaforIncentives #ItalyWelcomesYou

Rome March 3rd 2020


SITE Italy
Chantal Fiorelli – President
Daniela Oddo - President elect
Miek Egberts - Past President e IBOD
Annamaria Ruffini – SITE Global President 2018

MPI Italia
Enrico Jesu -President
Maddalena Milone – President elect
Elisabetta Caminiti – Past President
Giovanna Lucherini – MPI International 

ADMEI (International) 
Lorenzo Pignatti – President elect


Meeting Professionals International

Meeting Professionals International (MPI) is the largest meeting and event industry association worldwide. The organization provides innovative and relevant education, networking opportunities and business exchanges, and acts as a prominent voice for the promotion and growth of the industry. MPI has a global community of 60,000 meeting and event professionals including nearly 13,000 engaged members. It has It has nearly 70 chapters, clubs and members in more than 75 countries worldwide. "When we meet, we change the world."