One might think that the MPI New Mexico Chapter, with just 60 members, would have a disadvantage when it comes to its achievement horizons. But if you are of that school of thought, you can easily dispel that notion by checking the list of MPI’s 2017-2018 Top Performing Chapter Awards. There you will find New Mexico, along with 10 other chapters—all of which have more members.
Chapter President Emily Rabel calls her chapter “small but mighty.” Both Rabel and Colette Schobbens, CMP, CMM, who presided over the chapter during 2017-2018, say that the smaller number of members is actually an advantage.
“It’s an advantage in terms of staying in touch with each other all the time,” Schobbens says. “If the board members want to get directly in touch with all the members about something, it’s just a handful of phone calls for each board member. It’s a lot easier when you just have a few dozen members rather than several hundred members. We are well connected with each other all the time.”
That close connection factor creates a common sense of purpose and mission, Schobbens says, and constant awareness of everyone’s individual role in the tasks at hand.
“We have a very dedicated group of members and board members and we all know each other,” she says. “The board members tend to be very hands-on, and that serves the chapter well.”
Schobbens says the board tends to be fiscally conservative—“Just because we have allocated money for something doesn’t mean we are going to spend that money”—and that has led to the chapter being in good financial shape.
Both Schobbens and Rabel say that another factor in the recent success of the chapter has been the continuity achieved by having the same chapter administrator for several years now, Tisha Aldridge, CMP. Aldridge, a planner herself, served as vice president of administration beginning in 2016 and then became chapter administrator in July 2018.
“We have not had that continuity over a period of years like this before,” Rabel says. “She’s very focused and very detail oriented, and that really helps keep us on track.”
She says the chapter helps create value for its members through a program called Member Spotlights—profiles of members that the chapter posts on social media, which helps familiarize both the membership and the local industry community with those members.
The chapter alternates charity initiatives each year, focusing during 2017-2018 on a group called Spoken For, which runs a facility where young people who are victims of human trafficking or sex abuse can find help.
“In the past we have raised donations for the Roadrunner Food Bank, which is a hugely valued community asset in Albuquerque,” Rabel says.
Schobbens says the chapter did not start its 2017-2018 year with a goal of winning an award, but rather of providing the best member experience possible, and the award came along on its own.
“Everyone in our chapter is dedicated and sees the benefit of their membership both for their own professional development and for the community,” Rabel says.
2017-2018 Chapter Excellence Award Winner Profile
MPI New Mexico ChapterFounded: 1997
Membership: 33 planners, 24 suppliers, two students, one faculty (18 new member added in 2017-2018)