Beverly W. Kinkade, FASAE, CMP, CHME—one of MPI's 50th anniversary "Legacy Contributors," recognized this at WEC San Francisco this year—shares some of her "brief but spectacular MPI history" in her own words:
I became a charter member of SLAMPI, as the MPI St. Louis Area Chapter was lovingly called, in 1979. We were blessed to be mentored by the great Bob Green—an icon in the history of MPI. The majority of those charter members went on to international service and recognition, with several being honored as International Supplier of the Year or International Planners. Pretty darn impressive for a small chapter! My involvement with MPI’s International Board of Directors started in the mid-1980s. We were 60-plus members, and I knew every one of them. It was crazy to try to govern with that many people, but we still got a lot done—all with a new executive director learning the ropes the year I became president.
I was the first hotel supplier to become volunteer president of MPI, and I felt a keen responsibility to the huge constituency of hotel representatives (largely female at the time) joining the organization to ensure they received the educational and networking value they deserved through their membership. We were also dealing with the formal creation of diversity and government affairs committees which were sorely needed within the board.
We also held our second International Symposium in Monte Carlo, chartered our first international chapter, formally aligned ourselves with IAPCO and reopened a European Bureau creating the necessary portal for international expansion.
During my presidency, I also made it my goal to obtain my certified hotel supplier designation (CHSE then) in addition to my CMP, as I wanted to undergird the importance of professional certification for career advancement within the industry. This was confirmed for me by my promotion to vice president of association sales within ITT Sheraton, and ultimately vice president of industry relations within the newly formed Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide.
These were the halcyon days of MPI with dynamic growth occurring each year. I am so proud to have had the opportunity to work side by side with planners and suppliers who became lifelong colleagues and friends. This past April, I was awarded the first Lifetime Achievement Award for the MPI St. Louis Chapter, where it all began 43 years ago. I couldn’t be more grateful. Thank you MPI!!!