MPI Blog

MPI50: Larry Luteran

MPI50: Larry Luteran

By Michael Pinchera

Larry LuteranLarry Luteran, recognized as one of MPI's "Legacy Contributors," explains what MPI has meant to him.

MPI and the MPI community has meant so much to me as I look back on my career.

My year as chair of the IBOD in 2008/2009 was such a rewarding and challenging experience. At the time, our annual meeting was the largest global gathering of meeting professionals ever assembled. Meetings and events were thriving until the financial crisis hit later that fall and we found our industry literally under attack.

The MPI community came together along with other industry organizations in an unprecedented way to quantify and amplify the value of bringing people together. Our messaging as a community made a statement beyond our internal stakeholders that still resonates today.

I’m so proud to be associated with MPI and continue to admire the work of this great community. When we meet we do indeed change the world.


Michael Pinchera

Michael Pinchera, MPI's managing editor, is an award-winning writer and editor as well as a speaker, technologist and contributor to business, academic and pop culture publications since 1997.