Ross Heller, publisher, CustomNEWS, Inc. and USAE—one of MPI's 50th anniversary "Legacy Contributors," recognized this year—shares some thoughts about the intersecting histories and futures of MPI and his publication.
MPI and USAE go back a long way; this year MPI is celebrating its 50th anniversary and USAE its 40th.
In all candor, the early years weren’t smooth sailing for either of our organizations. And neither was the early interaction between us.
But time has a way of smoothing relationships—particularly when both parties understand how important each is to the other as well as to the industry we both cherish.
So why is MPI important to me personally as well as to USAE?
On the personal side, I’ve made a number of lasting friendships through my MPI membership and relationship.
And on the USAE side, suffice it to say the newspaper has always enjoyed drinking at the fountain of news provided by our coverage of MPI. As well, sharing this news with our association, hospitality and CVB readership.
So, MPI, keep up the good work. And let us always be the first to share to our industry community.