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Opinions Abound: 2020 New Year's Resolutions for the Events Industry

Opinions Abound: 2020 New Year's Resolutions for the Events Industry

By Johnalee Johnston

What New Year's resolutions should be collectively made to help the events industry grow and evolve throughout 2020? Work-life balance to inclusivity, MPI chapters have a lot to say on the subject.

What New Year's resolution should the events industry make for 2020?

I think that the events industry is still in a struggle and very much segmented. We would like to see more coherence and more industry professionalism in all aspects of event management and therefore our resolution will be to help the event industry to shine and be recognized beyond 'event planners and venues' cohort.—Elina Jutelyte, president, MPI Belgium

A great resolution for 2020 should be building new connections and working together as an industry to design out-of-the-box shared experiences for others.—Brie Shimada, MPI Aloha

Let’s make a commitment to get more creative with the way we deliver content. No more death by PowerPoint!—Tim Whalen, MPI Toronto

Let’s make a resolution that the industry can keep (LOL). Each meeting professional should give back in some way. Either by mentoring a new professional, creating a sustainable program and practices and, of course, join/renew MPI membership and get involved with their chapter.—Sharon Collins, MPI Georgia

Although things like facial recognition excite me, I wouldn't want to lose the human component of meetings and events. We are in an industry that thrives on face-to-face meetings so it's even more important for us to set the example. There's just so much value in being in the same room with industry colleagues. I have met so many MPI members over the years that I only get to see once a year, so I don't want to lose that. The human connection is so important. So I think our resolution should be: To plan and attend more meaningful face-to-face meetings and events in 2020.—Andrea Cliff, president, MPI Greater Edmonton

Focusing on sustainable, welcoming and accessible events. We are shifting the culture of events in a more sustainable and inclusive direction.—Peggy Andersen, president elect, MPI Atlantic Canada

An ideal 2020 wishlist for those working in the events industry should contain: A) Events should always being able to create FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). If not, this means your event does not charm and impress enough. Innovative technologies and new communication strategies could be useful for the purpose; B) Work-life balance for planners in order to increase in terms of productivity and personal well-being; C) The event canvas methodology should be practiced extensively in organizing any kind of event in order to generate more successful ideas and satisfy the clients’ needs.

In MPI Italia Chapter, we are using the Event Canvas to organize the next Convention 2020. We already started designing the event coordinated by our VP Education, Luca Vernengo. The teamwork is going to produce amazing results. D) Is R&D in order to find new tools for planners to make their work easier and more efficient. I think about mobile and web apps, software which could reduce time waste, optimize service search and evaluation, connect and let easily interact buyers and suppliers to create opportunities and design new events thanks to a never stopping ideas generation process; E) Last but not least, invest in the B2B influencer marketing with professionals who are truly able to create value for the companies.—Alessia Di Raimondo, MPI Italia         

As a whole it would be incredible if all organizations understood the benefits of continuing education. MPI offers so many opportunities to grow and learn but also build relationships and do business. We still have members who tell us they have to pay out of pocket to join or give a presentation before they are even allowed to attend a meeting. This is just unacceptable. If you employ someone who has a connection to your meeting or conference then give them the chance to grow their skill set. I believe that investing in your employee’s future will not only benefit them but benefit your organization moving forward.—Nicole Keshler, president, MPI Carolinas


Johnalee Johnston

Johnalee Johnston is a wildly creative and curious disruptor of the status quo and the former digital editor for MPI.