MPI Blog

Planning, Connecting and Adjusting Your Lifestyle During a Pandemic

Planning, Connecting and Adjusting Your Lifestyle During a Pandemic

By Blair Potter

Here are some thoughts MPI members shared about life during a pandemic in the new MPI Meetings Outlook report. Learn much more about their thoughts and the latest data.

Monica-Grinage-Prince Joe-McKeown Headshot

“We are all trying to process and understand how to adjust in our new norm. I personally have colleagues that I work on projects with daily and we’ve never met, only Zoomed. In these times, even with live video, it can be difficult to make the personal connections that face to face affords you, but I’m certain that when we (finally) meet, we’ll change the world.”

Monica Grinage-Prince, CMP, CMM
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
MPI Houston Area Chapter

“The most difficult thing I think is the uncertainty. Science will prevail and our industry will enter the next phase, but not knowing when is a big concern. Work from home will be fine for the foreseeable future, but at some point we have to go back to work. But going back too soon is not an option. Who wants to be in charge of an event that spreads this disease?”

Joe McKeown
Thomson Reuters
MPI At Large


“Having to get accustomed to having my two teenage daughters and my husband home 24 hours a day is difficult when you are trying to be productive. You kind of lose your identity in the commotion of this lifestyle, but at the same time, I appreciate being able to spend more time with my family.”

Julie Branstrom
Vista Meetings & Incentives
MPI Rocky Mountain Chapter

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Blair Potter

Blair Potter is director of media operations for MPI. He likes toys and collects cats (or is it the other way around?).