MPI Blog

Planning for today and tomorrow

Planning for today and tomorrow

By Michael Pinchera

A Q&A with IAEE COO Cathy Breden in advance of her IMEX Frankfurt session “Exhibitions and Events Industry Trends.”

Today @ IMEX Frankfurt
Exhibitions and Events Industry Trends

Cathy Breden small

What do you hope attendees take away from your session?

Breden: I will discuss the top trends in the exhibition industry, and I hope what is presented will help those who produce or service exhibitions understand the current and future landscape—and spark an idea or two.

Are there specific trends to which you believe many industry professionals aren’t paying sufficient attention?

Breden: Historically, the exhibition was the endpoint. Organizers would plan for that one event each year and when it was over, they would begin planning the next event. They need to adjust their thinking on how the exhibition is not the endpoint, it is a touch point. Having a strong content and digital strategy is more important than ever. 

Does the negative impact of the “great resignation” appear to be easing for exhibitions and events?

Breden: The short answer is, no, it is not improving and will not significantly improve any time soon. There are 50,000 Boomers retiring each day. We know in the U.S. the labor unions are having a very difficult time finding workers. Contractors have hundreds of positions they need to fill. If anyone has attended any event in the last five months alone, they would have experienced first-hand the shortage. The exhibitions industry is tough on people. It is working nights and weekends, and a lot of travel and time away from family and home. For many who experienced what life could be like during the pandemic, they realized they want a better balance between life and work, and they have retired or gone into other professions. 

What are you most looking forward to in the return of IMEX Frankfurt after being sidelined for two years? 

Breden: I look forward to seeing friends and colleagues I haven’t seen in a couple of years, and I look forward to my pre-IMEX trip to Colmar, France, and a little relaxation and savoring some wine! 


Michael Pinchera

Michael Pinchera, MPI's managing editor, is an award-winning writer and editor as well as a speaker, technologist and contributor to business, academic and pop culture publications since 1997.