MPI Blog

Promotions and New Positions in the Meeting Industry - May 2020

Promotions and New Positions in the Meeting Industry - May 2020

By Blair Potter

Congratulations to those celebrating promotions and new positions in the meeting industry.

Kristen-Dearden Courtney-Freeman_Group-Sales-Manager_Visit-Oxnard Jennifer-Sullivan-photo

Kristen Dearden (MPI Heartland Chapter) of Association Management Ltd. recognized as a member of Connect Association magazine’s “15 Over 50.”

Courtney Freeman (MPI Southern California Chapter), group sales manager for Visit Oxnard (Calif.), received the “Stellar Performer” award by Smart Meetings.

Jennifer Sullivan (MPI Potomac Chapter) appointed to director, Mid-Atlantic regional office for the Nashville Convention & Visitors Corp.’s sales team.

Gregg-Caren Royce-Chwin

Gregg Caren appointed president and CEO of the Philadelphia CVB.

Royce Chwin named president and CEO of Tourism Vancouver.

Timo Gruenert promoted to CEO of Oetker Collection, a German hotel firm.

Jerad Bachar named president and CEO of VisitPITTSBURGH.

Joe Hindsley appointed general manager of the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville (Fla.) Riverfront.

Steven Hiblum named general manager for Shelborne South Beach in Miami.

CWT, the B2B4E travel management platform, named Michelle McKinney Frymire chief finance and strategy officer and Patrick Andersen chief commercial officer and president of RoomIt. 


Blair Potter

Blair Potter is director of media operations for MPI. He likes toys and collects cats (or is it the other way around?).