MPI Blog

Rebecca DeLuca

Rebecca DeLuca

By Rebecca DeLuca, CMP

Like so many others, I fell into the meeting industry and knew it was exactly what I was meant to do. While a marketing major at The Ohio State University, I interned at Cardinal Health in Columbus, Ohio. My responsibilities involved planning and executing a 4,000-person annual event. Cardinal Health offered me a full-time meeting planner job and I’ve never looked back.

This year was insanely challenging, but I grew far more than I fell, and I’ll be eternally grateful for the trials of 2020. I balanced a new leadership position, a cross-country move, being a mom and wife and the mental fortitude of dealing with the devastating effects of the pandemic. I feel like I made a difference through supporting my team and our customers, and I am simply a better, more grateful, kinder human because of it.

As a young woman, I found it difficult to get my voice heard. For the first time since very early in my career, I am now in a position where I feel empowered, valued and trusted. And I am thriving. Finding the organization and the leadership (thank you, Lisa Messina) that will bring out the best in me was worth the wait and I am delighted to pay it forward each day in the way I lead my own team.

The meeting industry is my life. I met my husband and best friends through our industry. I simply cannot imagine what my life would look like if I had chosen a different path. Growing up in this industry has shaped who I am. It has fortified my resiliency, significantly increased my ability to empathize with others and allowed me to be authentic.

I was raised by a single, working mom and am the youngest of three girls. Witnessing my mother Mariane’s work ethic, boundless energy, compassion for others, ability to accept help and never-ending love for her family has formed my core values. 

What we do isn’t just important; it’s vital to the success of our global economy. Knowing the data and educating ourselves on speaking knowledgeably about the impact our industry has is needed now more than ever. 2020 has shown us that a collection of voices can move mountains.

The pandemic has made me abundantly grateful for my family, my husband, my health and my team, both my leadership at Caesars Entertainment and the team I work with daily. While it has been the most challenging year on many levels, I will look back with a grateful heart for the lessons learned.

Shortly after moving to Chicago in 2012, literally week one of a new job, an MPI chapter leader tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to co-chair the Chicago Area Chapter Holiday Party. I didn’t hesitate in saying yes. Since then, I have served three years in chapter leadership, served on multiple MPI Global task forces and advisory boards and most recently co-chaired the 2020 MPI Women’s Advisory Board. My involvement with MPI has allowed me to serve in diverse, challenging and rewarding leadership positions that have led to my career advancement.

I’m passionate about serving as a role model to my two young boys, showing them what hard work, dedication and compassion looks like. Teaching them what it means to be inclusive, authentic and kind. Raising them in full awareness that women and men are equal in every way.

Photo by Erik Kabik Photography


Rebecca DeLuca, CMP

Rebecca DeLuca, CMP, is director of key accounts and strategic partnerships at Caesars Entertainment in Las Vegas. A member of the MPI Chicago Area Chapter, she first joined MPI as a meeting planner in 2005 and joined a second time in 2011 as a supplier.