MPI Blog

Rise above the noise

Rise above the noise

By Blair Potter

June 22 @ WEC, 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Rise Above the Noise: Building and Championing a Winning Brand

Courtney Stanley, a key­note speaker and event emcee with Courtney Stanley Consulting LLC, will be presenting “Rise Above the Noise: Build­ing and Championing a Winning Brand” today at WEC. We asked her about building a brand and demonstrating your value.

Can you tell us about one thing meeting profes­sionals often fail to consider when building their brands?

Oftentimes people neglect building a brand out­side of the company that they work for. Unless you’re the owner of the company, it’s important that people know you as an individual brand, not just an extension of a company’s brand. When many members of our community found them­selves out of work during the pandemic after spending years connected to their company, there was often a sense of being overwhelmed in trying to clarify their professional identity and re-estab­lish themselves in the industry. Asking yourself, “What do people know me for?” is a great place to start in determining whether your brand is out of alignment.

What’s a common mistake many meeting profes­sionals make when trying to communicate the value of their businesses?

When communicating their value, oftentimes people focus too much on the product or service they’re selling instead of understanding the chal­lenges their audience is struggling with. Prioritiz­ing the pain points of their audience should be at the heart of the conversation as well as listening with great intention to better support their needs.

What do you hope attendees will take away from this session?

By the end of this session, attendees will have an increased awareness of how their individual brand is perceived by those around them and how to position their best, most authentic self to their audience. They’ll have also created a foundation to nail their perfect introductory pitch and will have learned how to spotlight their skills, strengths and value in a way that creates more visibility and drives career success.


Blair Potter

Blair Potter is director of media operations for MPI. He likes toys and collects cats (or is it the other way around?).