MPI Blog

SEARCH Foundation celebrates 25 years, spreads awareness at IMEX America

SEARCH Foundation celebrates 25 years, spreads awareness at IMEX America

By Blair Potter

The SEARCH (Special Event Assistance Relief & Crisis Help) Foundation is here to assist individuals in the event industry who are facing any type of crisis, from catastrophic loss to illness to accident.

The organization is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, and I caught up with Chairwoman Kate Patay, CPCE, in the IMEX-EIC People and Planet Village at IMEX America to discuss how the mission has evolved and some of its myriad recent efforts to help those in need.

The SEARCH Foundation was founded at the height of the AIDS epidemic as a grassroots organization.

“It started off more of the medical side, and then when Hurricane Katrina happened [in 2005], so many event individuals were affected and we changed the mission to be any catastrophic loss,” Patay said. “So that’s why if there’s a wildfire, if there’s a flood, if someone has cancer or COVID, they can apply for funding anywhere in the world.”

She said the full hospitality industry gave back during the pandemic.

“When most people during a crisis would batten down the hatches and you would expect that donations would dry up, ours increased—there was not only an influx of what we received donation-wise but also an influx of cases,” Patay said. “It was great to see how much the industry came together to support everyone that needed it.”

SEARCH Foundation

Most recently, a lot of support was needed by those impacted by Hurricane Ian, but the SEARCH Foundation has not lost its focus on the many other cases.

“In the last week, we have helped almost 40 individuals that were impacted by Hurricane Ian, but simultaneously we also assisted a woman who lost her home in a fire as well someone who was in a car accident,” Patay said. “If you’re an individual anywhere in this industry, you can apply for funding direct.”

She said participating in an event like IMEX America helps the organization by getting the name out there.

“We really want to let people know that we’re here to help them when they’re in their hardest time,” she said. “It’s that brand awareness to make sure that for any individual—whether you’re the CEO, the owner or the one that’s loading in the back of the house—you know that if are in crisis and you need immediate funding, SEARCH Foundation is here.”

Michele Polci, CPCE, CMP, director of citywide catering sales, Las Vegas for Caesars Entertainment and a member of the MPI International Board of Directors, first heard about the work of the SEARCH Foundation by word of mouth.

“Once I learned more about the foundation and the incredible work they do, I was so inspired and knew I needed to get involved,” Polci said. “It has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done in my career. Event professionals taking care of each other.”

Watch the SEARCH Foundation's 25th anniversary video.


Blair Potter

Blair Potter is director of media operations for MPI. He likes toys and collects cats (or is it the other way around?).