MPI Blog

Take it Step by Step at WEC

Take it Step by Step at WEC

By Blair Potter

Majbritt Sandberg and Anne Seeberg of the MPI Scandinavia Chapter will be presenting “Navigating in a Perfect Storm - How to Master Meeting Experience in a Multi-platform Meeting World” at 8 a.m. CST on Nov. 5 during MPI’s WEC digital experience. We spoke with Majbritt Sandberg about what some meeting professionals are doing wrong during the pandemic and how she stays optimistic. Register for the WEC digital experience.

Tell us about something that has changed during the pandemic that surprised you.

I am an extrovert and love being around people. People are my energy booster. However, I have found with all the online training and virtual summits, I am becoming a bit of an introvert online. I need more time to think and reflect to digest on the content. This is a huge surprise to me.

What are some meeting professionals doing wrong during the pandemic?

We are forgetting that the participants should be the superheroes. We need to make sure that we organize events—the tech should not be the superstar. It is about the audience and making sure that they learn and get inspired.

What mindset do successful meeting professionals take when moving forward with virtual or hybrid events during this time?

Is there is a thing called “resilient mindset?” Well, perhaps not yet. I am a true believer in a growth mindset (from the author Carol Dweck). It is about learning and failing and moving on. Step by step.

What are you optimistic about as we get accustomed to meetings in this “multi-platform meeting world?”

My focus will be on meaningful conversations—making sure that we design meetings with the outcome in mind. And no matter which format we use, we should make our participants the superheroes.

Photo by Lindsay Henwood on Unsplash.


Blair Potter

Blair Potter is director of media operations for MPI. He likes toys and collects cats (or is it the other way around?).