MPI Blog

Terri Breining: A True Champion for the Meeting Industry

Terri Breining: A True Champion for the Meeting Industry

By Rich Luna

The room lights up the moment she walks in—an aura of confidence and strength behind a radiant smile.

While Terri Breining admitted to being an “incredibly shy kid,” it was as if we’d been lifelong friends when we sat down for a conversation just off the beach in Encinitas, Calif.

While we have known each other casually for some time, I wanted to understand why so many meeting and event industry professionals hold her in the highest regard, and to learn why MPI decided to honor her with the Industry Leader Award at the President’s Dinner during the World Education Congress (WEC) in Las Vegas this June.

What I learned is plain and simple. There is no complexity at all with Terri Breining. She is authentic. She is caring. She is smart. She has a passion for life and for the meeting industry and represents the best of what we seek in each other and ourselves. She is a true champion for our industry in all of its wholeness and complexity.

WEC Grapevine. Documentary highlights successful duty of care.

My profile of her in the May issue of The Meeting Professional aims to capture her spirit, her energy, her wit. You can get to know her personally by attending WEC, where she will join me in a conversation on June 17 called “Lessons in Leadership with Terri Breining.” Those attending WEC in person can also purchase a ticket to the President’s Dinner at the new Virgin Hotels Las Vegas on June 16, where she will be honored along with outgoing chapter leaders and the RISE Award recipients.

Our story on Terri is part of a comprehensive special report on WEC. Included are stories on the learning pathways and mainstage panels, a preview of all the venues attendees will experience, a conversation with emcees Christine Cashen and Tami Evans and an update on the duty of care protocols. MPI remains committed to a safe environment as the meeting industry continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. There’s much more in this special report. Register for WEC today.

This month’s issue also includes our signature research, Meeting Outlook. Results showed the largest positive overall business projection in the history of Meetings Outlook. There remain challenges to a robust industry recovery, but meeting professionals are optimistic. Don’t miss this must-read report from Senior Editor Michael Pinchera.

The meeting industry is coming back and coming back strong. I encourage you be a part of the recovery by joining us at WEC Vegas. Help our industry chart a new course as together we safely meet face to face.

Until next time…

Rich Luna
Editor in Chief

PS—Make plans to join #Real Talk, the dialogue series from MPI’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, on May 26. The topic is “Standing Up and Speaking Out - AAPI Voices in the Meeting & Event Industry.” Learn more.


Rich Luna

Rich Luna is Director of Publishing for MPI and Editor-in-chief of The Meeting Professional.