MPI Blog

Until We Meet F2F Again, Let’s Collaborate Creatively

Until We Meet F2F Again, Let’s Collaborate Creatively

By Carol Porter

The events industry brings interaction, connection, inspiration and fun to our communities—all things 2020 has left us craving for.

We can’t wait to safely meet in person again, but in the meantime, let’s get creative, virtually, and foster that connection we are all yearning for by drawing!

Piccles and the MPI Women’s Advisory Board have created a virtual canvas for our colleagues and friends to draw their thoughts and feelings about 2020. We will compile all of these drawings and share them in a video.

It’s something fun, collaborative and creative that allows you to express yourself and unleash your inner child!

Click on each blank below to submit your drawing (available on any device).

2020 In Our Community:

○      We started 2020 feeling ____________

○      Then ____________ happened and I felt ____________

○      I found ____________

○      I have learned ____________

○      And I look forward to ____________

A few tips for drawing:

Click on each link to participate and draw your responses. It’s easy and fun, and if you are feeling overly creative you can submit multiple times. Enjoy!

1.     Access the question link

2.     Select EN or FR

3.     Choose your colors and create!

4.     Use the slider to change the thickness of your brush

5.     Select T to add a description

6.     Hit “Done” when ready to submit

7.     "Draw again" to participate again

8.     Hint* use the white color as an eraser to remove unwanted marks


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Carol Porter

Carol has been planning meetings and events for over ten years. She plans international conferences, meetings and events with a focus on sustainable meeting practices. Carol has lived and worked in Australia, New York City, Chicago and Denver. She serves as co-chair for the MPI Women Advisory Board. Click here to learn more about MPI Women.