MPI Blog

Volunteer Week:  Devin Lewis, CMP Fellow, CEM, DES

Volunteer Week: Devin Lewis, CMP Fellow, CEM, DES

By Devin Lewis, CMP Fellow, CEM, DES

Potomac Chapter

Early on in my career, I was advised by my mentor that if I wanted to be truly successful in the Hospitality industry, I needed to get involved in all the ways that mattered. Volunteering has always been something that I gravitated towards because I have an inherent desire to give back and help others in some way — so it was a no brainer for me to find a professional chapter to invest in.

MPI welcomed me with open arms and I found the organization to be a place where I had access to great education and fun networking opportunities. As a newcomer to the Hospitality industry at the time, I was immediately encouraged to join a committee and found a home on the Membership team where I performed outreach calls, answered questions about MPI benefits, and manned the registration desk at our in-person events. I was quickly able to put faces with names, be in position to meet someone I was trying to connect with, and build out my network with meaningful connections.

Hands down, there has been tremendous ROI for me after participating with MPI for more than 24 years. First, it helped me solidify that volunteering is where my passion meets my purpose. It has also provided me with the opportunity to not only share my ideas and knowledge, but also learn new information and perspectives from my industry peers. I have been on committees and task forces and was privileged to be the first Black female President in my chapter’s existence. I don’t take that lightly and always use it to be a source of encouragement and inspiration for others — and myself. Sharing my industry knowledge and mentoring up-and-coming professionals are two things that make my heart smile and encourage me to continuously motivate others.

MPI provides a plethora of opportunities for growth and development, and I truly believe that there is something for everyone. If you have a limited amount of time but want to contribute, you can participate in a one time task or make some outreach calls to members when you have time. On the other hand, if you have unlimited time and want to dive right in, you can become a co-chair or member of multiple committees to learn and grow your chapter knowledge.

I will share with you 3 suggestions for getting the most out of your MPI membership;

  1. Get off the sidelines and get into the game – you will get out of it what you put into it.
  2. Share your knowledge and expertise – join a committee and become a part of the group that makes an impact on the chapter.
  1. Not sure where to start? Find a Board Member or someone on the Executive Leadership team to give you an overview of the chapter and connect you with the right people to start your volunteer journey.

I have had an amazing journey volunteering for MPI. At the end of the day, it’s all about finding ways to grow and make the right connections — and I love connecting people who are like-minded or who are seeking a warm introduction. If I can help you in any way as you step into the volunteer pool, feel free to reach out and connect with me.

I can’t wait to hear your stories of success!


Devin Lewis, CMP Fellow, CEM, DES

Vice President of Sales & Business Development
Bermuda Tourism Authority
Potomac Chapter