MPI Blog

WEC: Optimizing networking for introverts​

WEC: Optimizing networking for introverts​

By Michael Pinchera

June 23 @ WEC, 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Ignite Your Light: Networking for Introverts

A Q&A with Paige Mejia, co-owner/chief marketing officer, Pyrotex, in advance of her WEC session, “Ignite Your Light: Networking for Introverts.”


What do you hope attendees to your session will take away from it?

I hope that attendees will learn tricks to easily break into the conversation and build relationships at networking events without the threat of severe anxiety.

How, if at all, do you think the pandemic experience from the past 2.5 years has specifically impacted introverts?

The pandemic has definitely created more introverted people, even if they considered themselves extroverts pre-pandemic. Even in Texas, where our “lock down” only lasted about a month, we have seen a drastic degradation in the way people are able to interact with each other face to face. In addition to the interaction, the biggest stress comes from the act of having to actually put on clothes and leave the house verses staying in the comfort of your own home. During my session, these extreme introverts will learn methods of networking without having to leave the comfort of their own homes. 

Do you have recommendations on how extroverts can best engage with introverts?

Extreme extroverts will definitely turn off, maybe even scare, introverts! The best way for an extrovert to engage with an introvert is to approach slowly, talk calmly and make the introvert feel welcome and included in the environment. Then, once you have developed a rapport with the introvert and found out their motives for attending the event, escort them around the room to introduce them to people they might be targeting or would have shared interests so that their conversation can flow easily. Not only are you being a good friend, you may be remembered as their hero for what you have done for them personally and professionally and they will be your advocate in the future.


Michael Pinchera

Michael Pinchera, MPI's managing editor, is an award-winning writer and editor as well as a speaker, technologist and contributor to business, academic and pop culture publications since 1997.