MPI Blog

What is your stay-at-home comfort food?

What is your stay-at-home comfort food?

By Blair Potter

“Grilling chicken, steaks and vegetables allows me to eat healthy while getting fresh air, sunshine and a change of scenery!”

Kaaren-Hamilton-Headshot J.Ehlenfeldt-headshot-2 Jonathan-Howe

“My 25-year-old son has been quarantining with us and he is a taco aficionado. He makes us authentic taqueria-style tacos at least once a week.”

Kaaren Hamilton, CMP, CMM, HMCC
Red Lion Hotels Corp.
MPI International Board of Directors

“My comfort food the past several months while at home has been anything that I can grill in the backyard. Grilling chicken, steaks and vegetables allows me to eat healthy while getting fresh air, sunshine and a change of scenery!”

John Ehlenfeldt, CDME, CMP
Visit Huntington Beach
MPI International Board of Directors


“My own home-popped popcorn with lots of butter to accompany my evening Netflix selection.”

Jonathan t. Howe, Esq.
Howe & Hutton Ltd.
MPI International Board of Directors

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Photo by Paul Hermann on Unsplash


Blair Potter

Blair Potter is director of media operations for MPI. He likes toys and collects cats (or is it the other way around?).