MPI Blog

When Purpose & Profit Unite

When Purpose & Profit Unite

By Pieter Allaerts

One of my takeaways from WEC19 in Toronto was the Kielburger brothers (WEconomy) saying: When purpose and profit unite, the economy, the individual and the community thrive!

Back in December 2018 I applied for the role of chair of MPI’s European Advisory Council with exactly this desire in mind. To grow MPI in Europe by bringing together the brightest of our industry in one team, and to grow MPI in Europe by supporting our members, chapters and partners.

The council was created to act as the “voice” of the MPI European community in providing recommendations and input regarding MPI's European strategy, with a focus on elevating MPI’s global brand within Europe.

A great moment to lead the council since in May 2019 MPI rolled out a very ambitious European strategy action plan.

This year we achieved in advising MPI on the destinations for the leadership talks, we redesigned ECLF (European Chapter Leaders Forum), we advised and are supporting the roll-out of the corporate membership initiative. Currently, we are also advising on the recruitment process of the different councils in place. It is crucial that we keep the legacy of industry’s best onboard!

I believe I can speak for the entire council in saying that MPI gave us a lot throughout our careers and that’s why the council absolutely wanted to perform an action where 100% of the benefit would go back to the MPI Foundation. After a few months of brainstorming our project #leafalegacy was born.

Talking about finding a purpose in life; planting trees is important as they improve the life and fulfill essential needs of mankind. When you buy a tree from MPI’s European Advisory Council, we’ll plant it on your behalf in the UNESCO Sonian Forest in Brussels, Belgium. Given the upcoming holiday season gift-giving, there can be no more cherished gift to your clients or associates for their lifetime than a tree that will grow in a UNESCO site!

Given the upcoming holiday season gift-giving, there can be no more cherished gift to your clients or associates for their lifetime than a tree that will grow in a UNESCO site!

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to my 2019 council colleagues; Paula Blomster, Anne Dalgaard, Suzanne Mulligan, Giovanna Lucherini, Milo Bravo, Krzysztof Celuch, Wojtek Liszka, Hector Venegas, as well as Federico Toja, Angeles Moreno and Miguel Neves for their support.

Thank you for being an important part of our story!

Today we are in full preparation to set a stunning council for 2020 with even bigger goals, more achievements and greater results but always with our purpose in mind: to give back to our members and our community so we can all thrive for excellence and be proud of our association we love so much!

Proud to be your chair,
Pieter Allaerts


Pieter Allaerts

As a son, father, husband and manager, my passion comes from the pleasure of inspiring others while earning their confidence, showing them gratitude, sharing their support and always striving to serve with excellence. Whether it’s in the kitchen, at work or riding my bike, it’s always about reaching my full potential so others can reach theirs. 

I’ve enjoyed 19 years in hospitality; 14 years in the meetings industry and nine years as volunteer for MPI, and I am the proud winner of an MPI Rise award and winner of some individual & team awards at Dolce Hotels & Resorts.