Think back to a time when you were a college student, transitioning between jobs or career fields or experiencing financial hardship. We all need help at some point, and that’s where the MPI Foundation comes in.
The Foundation empowers and supports career professionals who have fallen on hard times, or who just need a little help to get where they’re going professionally, by providing grants, scholarships and educational opportunities. In 2018, the Foundation invested US$773,000 in MPI members, of which more than $420,000 was rewarded in scholarships and chapter grants. This translates to five grants and 256 scholarships whose recipients were empowered by the generosity of others.
Face-to-face meetings are essential for progress, and the Foundation is invested in making sure that meeting professionals are as successful as possible, according to Kevin Kirby, executive director of the MPI Foundation.
“We raise the bar on everything we do in this industry,” he says. “And we’re global citizens so we’re trying to embrace what happens and improve it as we go. [Donors] are as diverse as you can imagine and people are engaged in this community and care about this community.”
You, too, can invest in tomorrow’s leaders and professionals by donating to the Foundation and participating in the following WEC activities.
Proceeds from these activities enable the MPI Foundation to give back to the meetings and events community.