MPI Newsroom

Greater Fort Lauderdale Makes Health and Safety the Top Priority

Aug 17, 2020

Fort Lauderdale, Fla., has made the health and safety of planners, meeting attendees, visitors and area residents its top priority. Here’s how.

·      The Greater Fort Lauderdale/Broward County Convention Center is being designed with ASM Global’s VenueShield protocol—in partnership with leading medical professionals, industry experts and public health officials—to provide the highest levels of cleanliness and protect the safety of meeting planners and attendees. The convention center expansion project will provide 1.2 million square feet of space while incorporating safety and cleanliness features.

·      In addition to implementing top safety measures at meeting venues, guests can safely visit the many local businesses, restaurants, attractions and hotels that have signed the Visit Lauderdale Safe + Clean Pledge and are committing to make health and safety their highest priority.

·      Hotels, attractions, restaurants, public facilities and businesses throughout Greater Fort Lauderdale are taking the pledge to emphasize their participation and unity in protecting residents and visitors against COVID-19.

·      All area businesses that sign the Safe + Clean Pledge agree to display the destination’s clearly stated Safe + Clean protocols, such as: 

      • Following CDC Cleaning Protocols
      • Wearing Masks
      • Providing Hand Sanitizer
      • Practicing Social Distancing
      • Training Staff How to Be Safe + Clean
      • Working Toward Contactless Payment

·      With Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport’s FLLy Safer, FLLy Smarter, FLLy Better initiative, meeting planners and attendees can get through the airport safely and efficiently. The initiative incorporates CDC best practices and locally mandated safeguards, including facial coverings throughout the airport, protective acrylic barriers at ticket counters and gate areas, enhanced sanitation efforts with regular deep cleaning and fogging systems and social distance signage.

·      Greater Fort Lauderdale’s commitment to preventing the spread of COVID-19 starts from the moment visitors arrive at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport.

Learn more here.