Industry News
George Aguel, a past MPI chairman and proponent of multicultural initiatives reflects on being recognized this year as one of MPI's "50 Legacy Contributors."
Industry News
The show was also 45 percent bigger than last year, in large part due to easing of travel restrictions, with 40 percent of returning exhibitors enlarging their booth space.
Industry News
The SEARCH Foundation is here to assist individuals in the event industry who are facing any type of crisis, from catastrophic loss to illness to accident.
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The team representing Australia was back in person at IMEX America this week for the first time since 2019.
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“At the end of the day, MPI is really about advancing this industry,” Paul Van Deventer, MPI president and CEO, said during yesterday’s press conference at IMEX America.
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Colleen Rickenbacher--one of the incredible MPI members highlighted this year as "50 Legacy Contributors"--shares a bit, in her own words, about what MPI has meant to her.
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Encore introduced “Break Free,” a journey of transformation, and more from IMEX America in Las Vegas.
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Today’s keynote speaker at Smart Monday powered by MPI enthralled the crowd for several minutes without uttering a single word.
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Say hello to the future at IMEX America by recording a message for the association's 100th anniversary in 2072!
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An ever-present force in the meeting industry, Joan Eisenstodt--included in MPI's "50 Legacy Contributors" list--reflects on her decades-long history with the association.
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Longtime general counsel for MPI, Jonathan Howe—recognized as one of MPI’s “Legacy Contributors”—reflects on his history with the association.
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Comparing venue sourcing in 2022/2023 to “The Hunger Games” might be a bit of a stretch, but it’s fair to say that the industry has transitioned into a new era.
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Melissa Cherry on the state of Black tourism—from where it stands today to how it can continue to thrive to why she remains optimistic.
Industry News
Bob Moore, 1998-1999 MPI president and recognized this year as one of MPI's "50 Legacy Contributors," highlights the three most significant practices that he appreciated about the association.