Tips & Advice
Many of us have never experienced a global economic meltdown quite like this before, so how can we possibly make a budget without knowing what will come next?
Industry News
“It is very hard to appeal to all members when a large portion of them are not represented and cannot ‘see’ themselves have a seat at the table. To make change, it starts with admitting there is a need for change.”
Tips & Advice
A successful virtual celebrity performance must take advantage of the intimacy that the virtual medium provides.
Industry News
“Grilling chicken, steaks and vegetables allows me to eat healthy while getting fresh air, sunshine and a change of scenery!”
Industry News
Findings from the latest Meetings Outlook survey reveal the shifting impacts from economic and political uncertainty as well as how prepared meeting professionals are for dealing with social unrest onsite.
A group of MPI members has created a resource page designed to educate and raise awareness within the meeting and event industry about human trafficking.
COVID-19 has shifted the focus of traffickers to the youths who attend school virtually and connect with each other online, where techniques using social media are in place to recruit potential victims.
Tips & Advice
As a founding member of the Association Planners Advisory Board, I can tell you firsthand that belonging to this niche community is as rewarding and beneficial as global membership and chapter leadership.
Industry News
COVID-19 has lifted the rug once again on global gender inequality, as women pivot in a pandemic that disproportionately impacts them, according to data gathered by the World Economic Forum.
Industry News
“Being that this is a new and small chapter means that potential members are more likely to become part of our MPI family.”
PlanetIMEX had an attendance of 12,000+ for the various educational events.
Industry News
“Having to learn how to plan virtual meetings has consumed us, while still trying to provide a personal touch has been hard.”
Industry News
The Events Industry Council (EIC) has just released the Meeting and Event Design Accepted Practices Guide.
Industry News
We can’t wait to safely meet in person again, but in the meantime, let’s get creative, virtually, and foster that connection we are all yearning for by drawing!